Thursday, September 17, 2009


I work with an Arabian women and i came into work one day talking to her and saying, " im starving," and she told me that she had been fasting. I felt horrible complaining that i was hungry when here she is fasting. She told me that it was no big deal, you get used to it. She also told me that she has tea and hard boiled eggs with some type of noodle that she makes and eats that, she then wakes up at 4 am and eats the same thing for her breakfast and then does her prayers and then goes back to bed. She then wont eat from 5am to 8pm.

I then talked to her again today and she brought up the subject of the war and how scared she was of going back home. She also was talking about how an Arabian student that i work with cant be near her friend who is also of the same ethnicity because of family issues. But when these students go out for recess they play and hug, they love each other. The moms got into a fight while attending church. I think that it is sad that these students are friends but only get to hang out at recess because their moms are fighting.

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