Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The guest speaker, Professor Mustafa Mirzeler was very useful and different. He talked more about the history with the Middle East( Turkey) and related it to his personal life living there which i thought was very great and something that we could see and relate too it was almost something that we could visually see, and i am a big hands on observing learner. i liked how Mr. Mustafa told us that the book memed My Hawks author was from his home village and how the story takes place in his village. i also like how he told us how his town was labeled as a poor village, but he said that he never felt poor, he always had food and clothing.Another part that i liked was how he said that mulberry trees were the important/deciding factor when deciding where to live. The question that you would ask when you wanted to claim the land was "how many mulberry split here?" When Mr. Mustafa said that he does not want to go back to his home land because it would sadden him i felt sad. Everyday everything around us changes, Everything has to be better than before!

Next Mr. Mustafa talked about the honor killings.He said that Honor is very important. To me i think of my name and what it stands for. My name reflects on my whole family. So if i do something wrong my whole family will suffer from it because we all share the same name. Another thing that he talked about was how family members get forced into killing.. FORCED??? You are not forced to do anything. It is up to you whether you do something or not!! i look at little children and how peer pressure plays such a huge part in their lives. i thought it was sad how if you did not go through with the killing then the townspeople would go and take your family/women and rape them...HOW Cruel!!! What a great community! The last thing that caught my attention was how he explained how he was supposed to do an honor killing on his own sister.WHAT!! How sad! how much pressure for a 10 year old...you dont want to disobey your father but its your sister.you love them both what do u do?? i wonder what he would have done?? i couldn't do it, i know that!! my family is so close, my siblings are my best friends! i am so glad that God opened another door for that family!


  1. I wrote on Angela's the same thing, how real honor killings seems now, now that I've heard a first hand perspective of a person asked to commit an honor killing. I can't believe how much social pressure is on the families. Its ridiculous how the family may have no problem with the issue, may feel their honor has not been compromised, but because of how their community feels the father must decide whether he or some member of his family must commit an atrocity.

  2. I think it is definitely more complicated than one person not wanting to kill someone, and indeed probably could be forced. If you were ten and you had to choose between killing your sister, or having someone else in your family kill her who is older and would go to prison, or having an entire village rise up and rape and kill others in your family, you may find it a more complicated decision!

  3. The fact that this community seems so hard for us to understand suggests to me that we have a great deal more still to learn!
